The Fertility Show : The One with The Plan (Part 2), 27 February 2021 - Dr. Paul Tay

The Fertility Show :
The One with The Plan (Part 2)

快来和我们一起,看Dr. Paul Tay分享计划在准备成为父母的旅途上的重要性。每个旅程都从一小步开始,当我们制定了周密的计划后,我们将不必为任何担心而烦恼,因为知己知彼,百战百胜。
千万不要错过我们受欢迎的系列 “有规划的人”的第二部分,并在计划中开始您的农历新年。

Join us as Dr. Paul Tay stresses the importance of being ready on the journey #towardsparenthhood. Every journey begins with a small baby step and when we have a well thought out plan, we won’t be fazed by any worry. The supreme art of winning any battle is to know the unknowns and conquer them.

Don’t miss out Part 2 of our popular series The One With The Plan and start your post Chinese New Year with a plan in your #fertilityjourney.

.#fertilitywebinar #fertilityshow #klfertilitycentre #ivfjourney #fertilityjourney #ivfsuccessstories #newyear2021 #newyearplan #postCNY2021

Event Details

The Fertility Show
The One with The Plan (Part 2)

Date: 2021年2月27日
Time : 2pm至5pm
